Our response to Hounslow Council Air Quality Action Plan consultation

7 September 2023 Hounslow Council is currently consulting on their Air Quality Action Plan. The consultation period closes on 13 September 2023. Have your say here.

Please see our written response from Air Quality Brentford:

Greening and watering

Greening seems to be an after thought in the report, and just for major roads. We would like to see the priority for Greening raised much higher. Green infrastructure needs to be hugely increased and specifically in relation to improving air quality, on smaller residential roads as well as major roads. The Council could encourage residents to green their front gardens. Vauxhall is a great example of a very busy area with traffic and yet the roads around there have so much greenery, and are looked after by the Council which means they can be maintained. Air Quality Brentford has carried out 10 planting projects but it depends totally on the time, effort and energy of residents who live near the particular projects and as such some of the projects have struggled. It would be great if the Council could put far more resources in to greening Brentford, adding pockets of planting wherever possible, greening the grey, and then maintaining them so they survive and thrive and can be of benefit to our town. Greening also encourages walking as it provides a more inviting environment. We encourage Hounslow Council to increase funding in this area to plant and maintain this resource, now and in the future.

We ask that the Council continues to plant even more trees, for air quality in particular, and to act as shade as climate change increases temperatures in cities in particular. It’s a fact that trees reduce temperatures in streets and parks as well as creating shade for refuge from the heat of the sun. These also provide much needed homes for insects which are in decline and to support biodiversity. The effort to plant more trees needs to continue.

The Council needs to provide resources for water harvesting schemes so that pocket parks and greening projects can be made more sustainable. Could the Council commit to piloting a number of different approaches? Air Quality Brentford could offer to participate to help maintain our planting projects across Brentford.

Traffic speed

We continue to ask and campaign to lower the speed limit of traffic on the A4 running through the residential part of Brentford to be restricted to 30mph. This would significantly lower the NO2 and particulates on this busy arterial route. Could the Council work with TfL to enforce this or even run a trial and see how it effects pollution?


The Council’s own recycling vehicles are still highly polluting for residents and for their workers. Please could you accelerate the change to zero-emission vehicles for this purpose?

The buses running through Brentford are still terribly polluting, pumping out pollutants on the pavements on residential streets as they drive. These buses need to zero-emission as soon as possible. It’s heart-breaking to think that a public service like this is also so harmful to human health. The Council is doing a lot but this is very important and it’s listed no 86 of 90. Could action and priority be brought forward please?

Further addressing of idling vehicles both by the public and especially by Hounslow Council vehicles. It’s unnecessary and can be addressed easily by educating drivers.

WHO guidelines

In the 2018 in the London Environment Strategy, the Mayor committed to meeting the WHO’s previous recommended guideline values, published in 2005, across London by 2030. Additionally in September 2021, prior to the World Health Organisation’s revision of its recommended guideline limits, Hounslow Council committed to working towards the 2005 WHO guidelines for all three pollutants, which 2022 data shows is being exceeded slightly (see table 1 below).

Following the revision of the WHO guidelines to much more stringent levels, pollution levels in Hounslow are exceeding the new guidelines and so a key area of the action plan’s focus is to help the Mayor meet the 2030 target and work towards the new WHO guidelines.

We are grateful that Hounslow Council is committing to meet the new more stringent WHO guidelines on pollution levels.

Focus Areas

The A4 (Great West Road) in Brentford is also an area with high levels of pollution in Hounslow and is also considered a focus area for improving air quality along with those listed above. 

Could this area please be officially added to the Focus Areas for there are 6 areas in total and the area be added to map so that it is included in this initiative?

Reporting to Directors of Public Health

Ensure that the Directors of Public Health (DsPHs) have been fully briefed on the scale of the air pollution problem in our local authority area; what is being done, and what is needed. Director of Public Health to sign off Statutory Annual Status Reports and all new Air Quality Action Plans.

Could this be a bi-yearly meeting, every 6 months to keep more abreast of the situation? Once a year seems too little?

Doctors and medical specialists

Strengthening coordination with Public Health by ensuring that at least one Consultant grade public health specialist within the borough understands air pollution issues and routes to mitigation. This can either be achieved through training or recruitment.

Please ensure that every health practitioner in the borough needs to know the impact of air pollution. The borough is too widespread and the issue is too pressing for just one person to be responsible for this.

Smoke Control Areas

Where will the Smoke Control Areas be? Could you work somehow in partnership with residents who might already have or use wood-burning stoves to limit their use or suggest ways they can use their burners in a safe way, eg https://www.directstoves.com/resources/how-to-have-a-wood-burning-stove-in-a-smoke-control-area/

ClientEarth and Mums for Lungs

16 November 2021 Last week ClientEarth organised an event with Mums for Lungs and Little House of Science where speakers talked about the specific effects of illegal air pollution on the small lungs of foetuses, babies and children and the ways in which they are campaigning for action to achieve clean air in the UK.

ClientEarth then talked about a possible new kind of legal action against the UK Government for failing to ensure safer cleaner air. Here are some notes taken from the meeting:

Last month, MPs voted against an amendment to the Environment Bill that would have committed ministers to set targets to reduce levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), one of the most harmful pollutants, to within World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines by 2030 at the latest. The amendment then lost in a very tight vote in the House of Lords. The final version of the Bill was finally agreed in the House of Lords last night and will now become law as the new Environment Act.’

A very disappointing outcome but ClientEarth say it’s still important to keep going because:
‘To start with.. calls for stronger legislation resulted in clean air being included in the Environment Bill in the first place. This then resulted in the UK Government committing to setting two new legal targets for PM2.5, as well as some improvements to the local air quality system for councils. These are no mean feats under the current circumstances.’

‘And, while the government has so far refused to set ambitious parameters for these targets in the Environment Act, you still have the opportunity to shape these through the upcoming target setting process. This should be done by October 2022 and will include a number of opportunities for you to push for ambitious targets to tackle toxic air.’

They suggest:
‘You… pass on our calls for stronger action to address toxic air pollution to your family and friends, drop your MP a quick email, share your experiences of living with air pollution with us or perhaps even provide a quote for a journalist.’

‘Since 2010, air pollution has been at illegal levels across the UK – and people’s health is suffering as a result.’

This is why ClientEarth is joining law firm Hausfeld to explore a legal case to seek compensation for people who have been suffering the real life impacts of illegally polluted air and push the government to better protect people.

Air pollution is associated with a huge range of health issues including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and respiratory infections. Despite this, the UK Government has persistently breached its duty to protect people from illegal air pollution.

They are organising another online event and this is the link to join it and find out more about this potential legal challenge and how you might be able to take part:

Date and time: Monday 29 November, 8 – 9pm on Zoom
Registration details: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-could-you-go-to-court-for-clean-air-tickets-209203773117

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions about how to join the webinar.

Further Reading·
Effect of Exposure to Traffic on Lung Development From 10 to 18 Years of Age: A Cohort Study·
Association of Improved Air Quality with Lung Development in Children·
The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs website·
British Lung Foundation​·
London Air Quality Network​

Co-op funding: help us raise some pennies!

We are delighted that the Co-op have chosen Air Quality Brentford to be part of their Local Community Fund, making us eligible for funding from 24 October 2021 until 22 October 2022. It’s quite fun seeing the pennies mount up: last week we had accumilated 4p and the current total is 55p! We will use any funding to maintain our planting projects across Brentford (do let us know if you’d like to get involved with these).

Anyone can sign up to our local cause, for example if you have friends or family in other parts of the country, and it can be used at all Co-op stores (not East of England Co-op).

🌼 First you need a Co-op membership card which can be purchased for just £1. You can sign up for a card here.

🌿 Then you can link to our cause profile page here: https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/60264

🌸 To receive rewards/funds you need to swipe your membership card when you pay at the til.

For every £1 you spend on selected Co-op branded products and services, 2p will go into your membership account.
The same amount will support community organisations and local causes like ours.

So far the Co-op have raised £84 million and helped 25,000 community projects with funding.

Hounslow Clean Air and Climate Emergency Reference Group

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Tuesday 7 July 2020 The second meeting of this group was held online via Microsoft Teams. Having consulted with the community and schools this Spring, Hounslow Council are taking their Climate Emergency Plan to Cabinet next week to be approved. They are starting to implement projects and will give annual updates on their progress. Continue reading

Air quality during the Coronavirus pandemic

Screenshot 2020-04-08 at 12.43.02April 2020 Air quality in Brentford has improved on the whole during the Coronavirus pandemic with a vast reduction in traffic travelling along the M4 and A4 arterial routes. Hounslow Council employ Ricardo to do their air quality monitoring and you can look at the results and make graphs such as this at http://www.airqualityengland.co.uk Continue reading

Eastbourne Road planting project

eastbourne road before.jpg
Before (from Google street view)

eastbourne road planting project 19oct19.jpg

Saturday 19 October 2019 Some residents from Eastbourne Road, north of the M4 flyover in Brentford, had asked us if a planting project could be done along the pedestrian alleyway to the A4. Continue reading

Hounslow Air Quality Steering Group and Climate Emergency meetings

Tuesday 9 October 2019 The second of Hounslow Council’s Air Quality Steering Group took place at The Holiday Inn, Brentford.

Here is a summary of the questions we asked the Council, with reference to our feedback to the AQAP consultation response in Dec 2017:

…and also the Sky News Global Warming video shown at the Climate Emergency meeting in the afternoon, showing what would happen if global temperatures rise above 2 degrees.

Clean Air Zone
– could you ask/work with TfL to make the A4 corridor running through the residential part of Brentford to become a Clean Air Zone? The M4 section (Highways England) above it is already enforcing a 40mph limit, however the A4 doesn’t enforce a speed limit, so people drive faster than 40mph. We’d like the speed limit on this A4 in this residential section to be reduced to 30mph.

A4 cleaning
– please let us know what your plans are regarding deep-cleaning the central reservation under the M4? It sounds like there might be some progress with this.
– could you set up a time-table for doing this regularly please?

A4/under M4 flyover greening
– if there is progress regarding greening under the M4 that would be wonderful to follow up on please.

No Idling Signs
– it’s good to know these are in use in the Borough, however I haven’t spotted any of them. Is there a list of the locations please?
– could we please have No Idling signs for:
1) the Kings Arms pub on Station Parade, next to our SWR flower slope
2) and 3) outside Brentford Station, north and south sides
4) outside Ann’s Taxi Rank on Boston Manor Road
5) outside Pizzaiolo, on Windmill Road
6) and 7) Brentford High Street, north and south sides
These are idling hot spots in already-polluted areas.

City Hall monitors in Hounslow
– it was mentioned that there were additional City Hall monitors in Hounslow, it would be good to know where these are located

Brentford buses
– TfL have given us an update of the buses used in Brentford, please see our updated list here:
– could you please push for more emission-free buses as a matter of urgency?

A4 Hedge in Brentford
– it would be great if the Council could give the go-ahead for this.

Refuse Collection vehicles
– please ask the Refuse Collection vehicles not to Idle on residential roads, for the health of their workers and residents.

No Idling campaign

thumbnail_IMG_1587Saturday 4 May 2019 Thanks so much to OctInk in Brentford for donating the printing of these ‘I’m No Idler’ car decals as part of our No Idling campaign. We’re trying to encourage car users to switch off their engines to help reduce unnecessary emissions when stopped in traffic. Let us know if you’d like one for your car!

Hounslow Air Quality Summit

IMG_1555.JPG26 February 2019, Holiday Inn, Brentford Hounslow Council have set up a Working Group to focus on ways they can improve air quality, and protect local residents, especially those with vulnerabilities like children and people with existing underlying health issues. Air Quality Brentford was one of the community groups asked to attend this for their input. The public meeting followed in the afternoon. Here is a brief summary of some of the speakers. Continue reading

Our film with Doctors Against Diesel

July 2018 It’s been a year in the making for various reasons but our short film Grab a Breath in collaboration with campaign group Doctors Against Diesel is now finished. It features children from the school council at Green Dragon School in Brentford and they did a great job at asking Doctor Norrice Liu questions about air pollution.

You can view it here on YouTube, it’s only 6 minutes long: